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Everything posted by Armaros

  1. until
    We will gather at a TBD location once we establish the level range (recommend 25+ with Azoth Staff unlocked) of those interested in going. We will also decide if we want to run these as PvE vs PvP before departing. The official event will run for 2 hours, but those who wish to continue after 9p EST may do so. Come join the fun, earn some easy Azoth, get some gear, and corrupted slivers!
  2. For those who may be concerned:


    I'm still here. Though I haven't been active in any of our divisional games its not due to the community; its due to my personal life/time available to play. I'm in my final semester of college if all goes well *knock on wood* and that is my main focus right now. I intend to be back and more active once the semester is more underway and I'm comfortable with my schedule. Until then, I'll keep to my forum stalking from time to time and try to stay in touch with those who care to reach out. Take care!

    1. Jae Onasi
    2. Elisel


      Good luck Jesse!! Looking forward to you  owning the college boss and getting back to us in gaming.  We have lots to explore in ESO when you do. Murkmire, Elsweyr and more. 

  3. until
    Join us in welcoming your new High Elder during the Community Meeting!
  4. Find out who your new High Elder will be!
  5. until
    The voting period will last from October 19th - October 26th until 9pm EDT. Ensure you cast your vote in that time.
  6. until
    The Q&A will run from October 15th - October 19th when the Town Hall closes at 9pm EDT.
  7. until
    Applications will be accepted from October 8th - October 14th until 9pm EDT .
  8. until
    This is your official notice that the High Elder Election is beginning!
  9. You all are in robes and my character is over there in next to nothing... lol
  10. Related image



    You know how to reach me if you need anything. My thoughts are with you and yours as you traverse these troubling times. 

    Much love to you and your mom.

  11. This looks rather amazing! Can't wait to see this. http://www.ign.com/videos/2018/06/19/ark-extinction-announcement-trailer
  12. Happy Birthday Bubbles!

  13. Keep an eye out for Telana on the town tonight all. He's bound to be wild on his birthday. The following is what to watch out for: 




    Happy Birthday Telana! Hope you enjoy yourself!

  14. I've been trying to learn how to breed/tame. I also want to look into crafting mount items. But honestly I haven't decided on what I intend to focus on for crafting yet because I don't know enough about it. So I'll get back to this post when I have time to do some more research into crafting.
  15. My week thus far....



    1. Sayuri


      OMG this was just shared with me and I about died! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  16. *face rolls keyboard* 






    (Still has one more to do. 5 papers in one week is just evil. I hate you college!)

  17. Our current Empyrion servers can be found by searching under Multiplayer using the Filter to search for either of the following: Remnants of Empyrion - Voodoo Remnants of Empyrion - Voodoo Creative Password for both is (case sensitive): YumRoH
  18. Our current Dark and Light server can be found by searching under Unofficial and checking the "Show Password Protected" box. Our server is the following: Remnants of DNL Password is (case sensitive): YumRoH
  19. Our current Ark servers can be found by searching Password Protected Servers for either of the following: Remnants of Crystal Isles Remnants of Ragnarok Password for both is (case sensitive): YumRoH
  20. I still live! Sorry to those who may have missed me. It's been a crazy summer with classes, starting a new job, and just life in general. Been active in our casual gaming section, and will remain there until school starts again in a few weeks just to ensure my schedule isn't to crazy to get as involved in ESO again. There's a sense of commitment I get when playing that type of game that I can't let interfere with real world priorities right now. Give me a few weeks though and I may be back in ESO.  

  21. Thank you all for the b-day wishes!

  22. Hey RoH,

    I'm sorry I've been away for so long. Life kinda got turned upside down for a while. (Still is in a way, but figuring things out.) Still in school and still working on getting that degree I need to make it in the real world. 

    Other parts of why I was gone is that my laptop I used to play took a dive. That is fixed now and I've upgraded (in a very serious way) and will be returning to playing. I'm hoping that this isn't to late of a return and that I can attempt to jump back in sort of where I left off. Learning who everyone is and attempting to build online friendships. If it is, then I guess I'll be trying to re-apply and then doing the above. Either way, I'll be online escaping the real world again. 


    Also, I've started playing Wildstar since my new system can actually support it better. I'm loving it. Ran into a few guild members the other day, said hi. 

    1. Telana


      No worries Jesse! No need to reapply :) Just happy to hear things are alright, and that you have a working PC again! I definitely understand the seeking a degree part. I am graduating this May so it's been an off and on rollercoasting. It's all worth it in the end though :) I am glad you are sticking with it cause it will certainly help you later in life. 

      Anyways, glad to see you back and looking forward to playing alongside you in-game! 

  23. Hey guys,

    Just wanted to post that I'm sorry I've been away these past few weeks. The semester is wrapping up here with school and that means lots of final projects and finals to be studying for. Sadly that doesn't leave me with time to get to play. But that being said, just a few more weeks then I'm on winter break and have a lot of time to relax and catch up on what all I've been missing out on. Hope everyone is doing well, and having a great Holiday. Until I get to see you all again. 


    1. Aegis


      It's all good man, focus on those studies! I'm in a similar boat here. Except I have mostly easy classes this quarter.


      See you when you get back :)

    2. Telana


      No worries about being gone! RL takes priority through n' through! I'm definitely in the same boat as you. Projects and exams seem like they will never end. Good luck with everything and we'll be here when you come back! :) Happy holidays! 

  24. I've made a great mistake.... I researched Guild Wars 2 and now have a yearning to test it out. *Must resist temptation*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scya


      Do! its fun :) enjoy! tarnished coast server if you can, if not you can still join guild via other servers

    3. Armaros


      ... It's downloading. If I like this, it will be a battle for myself balancing SWTOR and GW2. I tested out WS and I think its my computer having issues keeping up, but I couldn't get into it with the amount of lag I was having. Never had issues like it in SWTOR... so who knows. Might have to break the laptop out and use the wireless keyboard for it (broke my A key from to much gaming) lol

    4. galebird


      It can be pretty addicting but I struggled learning SWTOR after being so into GW2... however, I am an odd duck of a gamer anyway. I hope you enjoy it when you get logged in! 

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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