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Posts posted by Vorn

  1. 55 minutes ago, Koro said:

    @CheekyMonkey66 and @Vorn, I know you both voiced a desire to be a part of this. Do you guys want some help getting caught up to level 30? Or are you already there?

    I did, but have been overcome by events.  Don't think I'm going to have the time to devote to this game at this moment; which is a pity as I've always wanted to do group content in it.  I have very little discretionary time for gaming right now and am putting the time I do have into SWTOR.  So many games, so little time :(


    Thanks for remembering my interest, however!!!

    • Like 1
  2. I'm on Landroval.  I log in occasionally.  I have a captain on the border of Rohan who was a completionist character, well, as far a one could solo. I quit the game right after Rohan came out and never made it to the warhorses part and now I remember nothing about how to play him;  Also a new captain who I kinda sorta have re-figured out how to play somewhere around Bree and the Barrow Downs.

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  3. So I noticed these things during the Gree event called Crystal of the Nightmare Fury.  Funny I've never noticed them before now, or just skipped over them as something else I don't understand. @Rama and I were talking about them last night.  They aren't cheap to craft:


    But, the benefit is +20% to damage/healing/endurance.  I just want to make sure whether or not I'm expected to be running these as I have not.  They last through death but not after leaving phase.  With my DC issues on Tuesdays (thank you crappy Navy wifi) probably not a good idea for me.  If we no longer need the Encryptions for the guild ships I'll start saving them for these or donate to those who might be able to craft more readily for their use (these things bind to legacy I think).  


  4. Awesome set of expectations!  Appreciate the thought you put into these.  Since I only have the one raiding character who is a melee DPS (he has 248 tank gear too, I just haven't made time to learn how to tank yet and MM isn't a place to learn, lol),  probably best to put me as an alternate.  I don't have discord so I'll PM you a number you can text me at.  Past 11pm Eastern will be tough me for me in any case as I have a 0700 meeting with the boss every Wednesday that requires a certain amount of coherence.

  5. 1 hour ago, Katalaw said:

    The goal of this group is still Master Mode. 

    @Hippy No way I can do 10K dps which is why I said I'm happy to back up for when you need another DPS for whenever you do veteran mode and need a fill-in.

  6. 1 hour ago, Hippy said:

    So how about this! I have a busy next 3 weeks coming up with preparing for finals for college. 


    Tank 1: @Tyrlo

    Tank 2: @Aravail

    Heals 1: @Sayuri

    Heals 2: @Katalaw

    DPS 1: @Orig Wrangler

    DPS 2: @RaVem

    DPS 3: @Passiflora

    DPS 4: @BattingChart



    I can fill as a back up just in case since I have to focus up a little more for school. 

    LMK if you need a melee DPS backup for vet mode. I’m still looking to increase knowledge of the mechanics.

  7. Well rats, here I am available after a two week hiatus.  However, I would never try anything without fearless leader and the divine empress, for I know that where such pride and presumption walks, shame and loss follow close behind!!!


    Best wishes on your re-creative or othewise activities!!!

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  8. I could do Thursday.  I was happy to finally get past Torque for the first time.  I'm still having too much down time on my attacks from chasing bosses and not standing in fire and not attacking while not standing in fire, etc.  I haven't really learned the patterns yet to keep the melee damage up more.  The verbal cues were helpful and you guys gave me the easy jobs, for which I am grateful. 


    I was a distant 4th in our DPS.  If you have to replace me to finish anything--that is entirely ok--all about the team in my book.  Gear is good (though I may switch some augments to drop alacrity since it's below the cool-kid threshold and add more crit), rotation is good, latency, button pushing and fight knowledge is lacking.  Really appreciate the patience and teaching though from all you vets.  I think that's how we deepen the bench of folks who want to try harder stuff.

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Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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