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Status Updates posted by Sweetbunny

  1. Happy birthday hugs 

  2. Happy birthday Scoobs

  3. Happy birthday sorry if this is late 

  4. Happy Thursday all and only 3 weeks laft of collage

  5. Hi iF I seem made, sade, or upset its cuse i backly just had 3 family member turn there back on me. I dont care to go into deatails. Just thought i let you all knoew why iam not my self 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elisel


      *hugs* to you.

    3. Tyrlo


      Take care, bun bun.

    4. Scya


      Hugs for you sweetbunny :( I hope things look brighter soon.

  6. Hi just to let everyone know I will not be singing up fore ops tell the Collage sumaster ends on 12/9/15. I can do ops and FP on the fly i just cant comment to much home work sorry 

  7. Hugs we be praying for you and your family 

  8. I can come to the commander run tonight if heals are full i can dps but Iam much better at heals. I could not find the thread 

  9. I Love Love the Christmas light on the top of the frome great job Scoobs and Tealan


  10. I we won't be home tomrow Marry Christmas 

  11. Last week of Callage  <3

    1. Aegis


      My last week of callage was Friday <3

  12. life give you lemons make lemons add

    1. Sayuri
    2. Sweetbunny
    3. Sayuri


      This was my costume to a party last night LOL. I made sure there were plenty of lemons for lemonade!

  13. my cold is much better to day still not a 100% but much better

  14. my new favorite thing to do in Swtor is pvp on my Shadow. I still love pvping on my sage

  15. next weeks finals then I done fore a mothe

  16. Preay request a friends family member Mr. J i call him was in a bad car crash to day pleas pray for him and all invailed

    1. TGIKay


      Your friend and their family are in my prayers.

    2. joshhamm


      wish you and your friend the best. Hope he pulls through.

  17. Rember after the rain come the sun bright and worm and happy ❤️ big hugs all bunny love you ❤️ 

  18.  this is a horabil day so fare :'(  I just want to go home

    1. Spacewalker


      Hang on to hope, Sweetbunny and everything will be fine!


    2. Aravail


      Sorry to hear that sweetbunny! At least it's Friday, so you'll have the weekend to recover.

    3. Donut


      Awww sorry Bunny! I know what that can feel like :( You can hang on and then it will be the weekend!

  19. Sweetbunny

    happy birthday

  20. Sweetbunny

    happy birthday

  21. thank you all my day looking up now much better <3

    1. Donut


      Yay! Glad to hear it :)

  22. Hi Kyle got suverly sun burnt on the trip those of you that do pray can u pray fore him pleas. He's in and lot of pain & when to the Dr to see about it

    1. Aravail


      Ouch, that sounds painful!  Tell him the best cure for a bad sunburn is to stay indoors and game all day! ;)  Oh, and I suppose cold showers and drinking lots of liquids helps too.

    2. Sweetbunny
  23. All my toon are on EH except Healingbunny, Rosebunny, and Sinperbunny 

  24. Hi is there a chat box some where on these new fromes. Like the shout box on the old one. If so where is it pleas

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Asra


      In Scoob's new High Elder Address he says that it's in developement.

    3. Sweetbunny


      tys I found it :)

    4. Sweetbunny


      the only this I can find now is my friends list and Scoobs post did not say any thing about it ?

  25. Hi my suer name in GW2 is  Sweetbunny.6397 you can add me to u friends list if u want to. 

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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