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Status Updates posted by Jaan'weyn

  1. These are my award, Mother. From Army.

    1. Tipico


      You can always tell a Milford man

    2. Kazu


      I'm afraid I just prematurely blue myself.

    3. Guest


      The seal is for marksmanship and the gorilla is for sand racing.

  2. I'm developing a really bad habit of starting to type in the wrong window, then days later discovering an Excel spreadsheet that has random characters in a cell instead of a formula. =

    1. Saal


      Story of my life... -__-

    2. Jaan'weyn


      One of the worst things is when I go to close something and it asks me if I want to save, but I don't remember making any changes. I can't decide if I changed something important but forgot to save it, or accidentally changed something I didn't want to.

    3. Aravail


      I do that all the time. Random "w"s in places, because that's my "forward" key.

  3. I'm eating tacos.

    1. Aravail
    2. Guest


      Is it a fish taco?

    3. Jaan'weyn


      It is a fish taco! Blackened mahi mahi.

  4. The Trooper's personal story should be subtitled "Use Your Ship to Travel to Coruscant."

    1. Aravail


      With Special Guest Star: General Garza

    2. Guest


      Starring: Zero interesting female romance options!

    3. Asra


      You don't like running your fingers through Jorgan's fur? xD

  5. It annoys me that Maryland decided to skip spring and go right to 90+ degrees with high humidity.

    1. Guest


      Tell Maryland to stop acting like Florida. Only we can complain about heat this early.

    2. Vladro


      Actually, thats Kansas to a tee lol. So i feel your pain Jaan

    3. Eliian


      I am happy California did not decide to do the usual skip spring deal. It has actually been really nice the past few weeks!

  6. My attempt to get back into MMOs has been stalled a bit by Horizon Zero Dawn. Be back soon!

    1. Azraella


      Horizon Zero Dawn is seriously amazing! One of the best games I've played in quite some time. Have fun! Let me know what you think of it.

    2. Scoobs


      love that game, gotta get back into it, stopped to go on vacation and just have had so many other games taking priority since!

    3. Jaan'weyn


      I love it so far. The combat is deep, the setting and story are really engaging, the graphics are beautiful, and Aloy is one of the coolest protagonists I've seen in a while. I also sort of appreciate that there's a hopeful undercurrent to things. I just finished the Witcher 3, and while I absolutely loved that too, it's refreshing in HZD to have missions to find people and have them *not* have already died horribly.

  7. I hope you all have a fun and safe New Year celebration. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. =P

    1. Aravail


      And don't do half the things Jaan would!

    2. Jaan'weyn


      Yeah, definitely don't do what I did last night. At least not if you want to avoid a miserable bus trip like the one I'm currently on. 

    3. Aravail


      Does this bus have bars on the windows?

  8. I'm on a plane. Aravail is here too somewhere. 

    1. Tallon


      You all have fun and I wish I was there.  You have full permission to harass Telana as much as you want.  

    2. Jae Onasi

      Jae Onasi

      Have a safe trip!

    3. Elisel


      Have a great trip!

  9. R.I.P. Ursula K. Le Guin, one of the greatest and most influential SFF writers ever.

    1. SirenRae


      Indeed, we mourn her passing. We'll not see her equal again.

    2. Tyrlo


      Oh no! Definitely one of my better-liked authors.

    3. Jixara


      That's a damn shame :( she was always one of my favorites. A true talent.

  10. Got a minor windfall of gold from Trading Post sales this morning. Seems like a good time to buy bag slots and expensive dyes!

    1. Aravail


      Nice! That's what I did about a week ago, bought 3 bag slots, a bank tab, and an 80g dye. Now my funds are but a fraction of what they used to be.

    2. Jaan'weyn


      I really like color contrasts, so I bought Abyss and Celestial. Only bought two bag slots, though. I'm considering a third but I'll see how this goes first.

  11. Off to Brooklyn to visit some friends for the night. Take care of yourselves, Remnants.

    1. Telana


      Have fun and safe travels, Jaan.

    2. Niilah


      My part of town xD Be careful and have fun.

  12. With the constant running around of the Rakghoul event, I forgot to park my characters by mailboxes. My Teamviewer crafting rotation is hitting a snag.

    1. Jaan'weyn


      I don't do anything special. When I remote in and start the game it shows up just fine. I don't know if maybe certain phones can't handle certain resolutions or refresh rates, but mine worked okay right from the start.

  13. The question on my mind this morning was whether or not I was going to eat biscuits and gravy for every meal today. Thus far the answer is a resounding yes.

    1. Guest


      I am envious

    2. Aravail


      Mmm, been way too long since I've had biscuits and gravy

  14. R.I.P. Egon

    1. Nayaha


      Its a very sad day, indeed :(

    2. Guest


      Egon? O:

  15. Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!

    1. Guest



    2. Jaan'weyn



  16. Alright, Remnants, behave yourselves the next couple days. I'll be back Sunday.

    1. Scoobs


      have a fun and save trip jaan!

    2. Saal


      I promise I won't do anything you wouldn't do Jaan... but if I do, I promise to take pictures. :D

  17. Hey Shepherd, I broke down and subscribed to WWE Network. I've been reliving my childhood. I figured you were one who could appreciate that.

    1. Guest


      You don't understand the joy I just got reading this status. Literally for 9.99 a month it's an absolute STEAL! On top of the old stuff, you should really give the new stuff a shot, maybe you'll get reinterested in WWE.

      If not, there is so much old content it's beyond absurd. Moreover, they add more stuff as time goes on.

    2. Jaan'weyn


      The fact that it has some of the old ECW local access TV stuff makes it worth it for me. Sometimes the local access channels from my city would broadcast those when they didn't have their own content but it was never consistent. I'm psyched to go back and watch them.

  18. So, my first quest in the tutorial for my Dominion character that is based on my Sith Assassin involved zapping people with electricity.

    1. Guest


      They deserved it.

    2. Guest


      because they had bugs on them and you had to get rid of them

  19. Started reading Watchmen again for the first time in a while. Still phenomenal

    1. Guest


      I love that series! You are making me grab my watchmen stuff now XD

    2. Aravail


      I was just thinking the other day I should probably read that again. Maybe I will...

  20. The thing I miss the most about having pets is the plausible deniability about house hauntings. Something mysteriously rustling in the other room? That's just the cat! Evil creature crawling out of the TV? Just the dog in a funny wig!

    1. Nadalyne


      I like when my dogs just stare at the ceiling with huge eyes. Dogs be crazy, amirite?


    2. Guest


      Right, they totally aren't staring at a big ghost like monster that is patiently waiting for the right moment to swoop down and eat you or anything! Haha, dogs...

  21. As per usual, I'm incapable of keeping up with the new trial members, so welcome everybody!

    1. Eliian


      Me too!! Welcome to all of you :)

    2. Guest


      Me three!

  22. I am officially on a flex schedule. This should be nice.

  23. I think I'm about to drop $180 on a bottle of Yamazaki single malt sherry cask whisky. I'm having a hard time talking myself out of it.

    1. Telana


      I approve of this plan.

    2. Cye Ilan

      Cye Ilan

      I also do not see a problem with this plan. I am 100% supportive of this idea.

  24. Starting 12/26 the Wire will be re-aired on HBO, remasted in HD and in 16:9 format. Everyone watch it!

    1. Coombs


      Christmas has come early for Jaan!!

    2. Jaan'weyn


      For everyone who likes things that are good!

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Missingwerewolf  / Lazyhaze


SWTOR MotM / AotM: NeoMagnus51DarthDragonWolf

WoW MotM: Sedori



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