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Status Updates posted by Chapmonious

  1. robot status = 100% 


  2. Being a history buff I think you will like this 

  3. some easy listening for this tuesday 

  4. Hey Remnants, Man its been some time hasn't it!? first of all I missed and love you all. Second of all sorry for dipping so soon, I had mad plans earlier in the week to play some overwatch with friends. Here is the sum of that adventure with one Play of the game from my perspective, have a nice laugh and I will catch you all soon! 

    1. Triss


      Still love you too!

  5. Gather around kiddies as i tell a story, of a dream being fulfilled: This song holds alot of meaning to me, but not in the way youd expect: You see, i am a drummer, and a vocalist, and this song was one of the first I coud legit sing and growl all the way through when it came out. So when I joined the Army all those years ago (atleast it feels like decades ago) I found a nice watering hole wityh Karaoke, and decided to unleash this song and Drowning Pool "Bodies" in a night of inbriation antics that I did really hold too seriously. Come to find out others did, and I was noticed. You see that night in this little watering hole in North Carolina 10 minutes outside Fort Bragg, was the Manager for Taproot, and a local in need of a vocalist. the next morning I got a call, about joining the band. I auditioned and surprisingly enough I got the gig. months went by and band practice was great, played a show opening for marcys playground, then a few months later Hollywood Undead. And then...my phone rings when im in the Battalion Motorpool, and its none other then Taproots Booking agent, whom we shall call 'Jeff' Jeff apologized for the intrusion and admitted to getting my cell number from the local venue and then launched into this storyabout finding me in the middle of the woods at a watering hole 6 months prior in Spring Lake, NC.  Cutting to the chase he asked if not only the band I was in would like to open for taproot, but would like to play 4 shows spanning 4 cities down the Carolina Coast, and that would would even be included on the official tour promotional items and flyers etc. Well clearly i didnt say no. 


    Image may contain: one or more people and night

    So here is 19 yr old me, setting up my mic for my first show, with ZERO formal vocal training whatsoever, just a love for music and a passion to entertain. Morale of the story is this: As i sit here with my coffee headbanging at 30 years old to a song that i used to practice in my bedroom when my parents werent home I smile. Never give up on dreams I got to tour for 4 shows while on actice duty because of my love and passion for it. 


    for those who want to know what I sound like., I will drop a video from my google photos in. It was done with my computer speakers, and a cell phone, you may want to lower the volume. the song, before anybody asks is "Scream Aim Fire" by Bullet for my Valentine.



    1. Vil


      That's awesome! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Im always telling people i make youtube videos, and ive never actually made one for ESO, until now, Gave up rp (*gasps* i know) for the night to edit this, drop a comment on what you think!  

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. crosius


      Two thumbs up! (If I had more thumbs, I'd give this vid more...)

    3. Felipe


      I'm still listening to this music. lol
      I really like those bad-ass heavy armored warrior that keep fighting until they don't have any strenght to stand! This music pumps me so much. FOR THE GLORY! 

    4. Chapmonious


      Thanks Felipe, means alot, dont forget to sub! <3 

  7. Childhood officially at 2:00! 


  8. Vibes for Yana in FFXIV

    1. Matatomi



    2. Chapmonious


      I love this song. Its easily identafiable for what im working on for Yana currently. 

    3. Kamillus


      why did I listen to this???? My neighborhood hopefully will love it


    Um, can someone pinch me and tell me what year this is, Karate Kid is BACK?!?!?!?! 

    1. Azzareth


      Woah. Lol. Guess if there's enough of these sequel movies made. These movies will never go away. 

  10. 20171104_145106.thumb.jpg.5a0b9356b12cdfcfa62905030d0f90da.jpgnot a bad way to spend a saturday


  11. 5a1c9a6a87334_level20.thumb.png.3443643d774161d04064dac6ce2d8b95.png

    @Lagerfueled look at me

    1. Lagerfueled


      Very nice! I just got my Hunter to 20 and am gearing him up. Favorite class so far. Arc Strider is amazing.

    2. Chapmonious


      I mained a hunter in destiny 1 as a nightstalker, decided to switch it up a bit


  12. gw053.thumb.jpg.22e423ba19ed5302a1bc7f355cb39b98.jpg

    To the person in GW2 (You know who you are) who Bought me Path of Fire, thank you..i was legit bummed i couldnt do guild bounties with you all a few nights ago...i had a blast joining you guys tonight! 

  13. image.thumb.png.012de7c90fd49bf392f4ed6eb73e5225.png


    This Dude was digging my rendition of "A Whole New World" so much he stopped what he was doing and didnt move until it was over

    1. SirenRae


      That's amazing! WTG Chap!!

    2. Chapmonious


      Oh i didnt do anything just redownloaded the music box and ran the script lol 

  14. moonlit.thumb.png.63f26faae768517d8d94eb224f4dd531.png


    Can this game stop being so gorgeous! 

  15. teqrun.thumb.png.3077c8ce9dce15c19c92a15b93395461.png


    First time running Tequatl the Sunless in Guild Wars 2 in 3 years!! 

  16. 20180106_222204.thumb.jpg.f7d276556b5a88b1e7e6b7b560ebb444.jpg

    Hey all im safe in florida using my phone however..i may be offline for a while now, this is my heat sync...it was ripped off my processor in transit, im hoping its just a matter of thermal paste, and sticking it back on...idk though...anyway..horray 2018 :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chapmonious


      Florida is good! I bought thermal paste today, and im hoping there is not other more extensive damage, but i wont know for about a week 

    3. Vil


      Gotcha. Crossing my fingers. Good to hear about Florida.

    4. Jixara


      Glad you got in safe! Sorry to hear about your computer >_< I hope it's an easy repair <3

  17. allisel.thumb.png.25709400878d97da999c566b85cb30ab.png


    Hey WoW peeps, meet Allisel! :D Told ya id do it eventually! Now Cavet! ESO RP and my main WoW RP will take alot from me! BUT i promise I will log in atleast one a week (or try too atleast) and level and rp and do all teh things! <3 

  18. GOATS.thumb.png.d8f08150b37c783ce12e5fd50b608fac.png


    When destroying the legion isnt enough, sometimes you need a goat parade in dalaran to show sargeras the mortal races of azeroth will never fall! 


  19. money.thumb.png.d76fcac777fd73ff2610308fd53dd5e1.png


    Okay ESO Peeps i know im always gloating about "oh yea i made x amount of gold" well this is from 1 hour of farming earlier this morning, and by 6pm ive sold everything and im 63k richer because of it. Now I wont give up my farming location, but I will say What i farm is all end game raw silk, ore, wood, and leather. Crafters love this stuff because when you improve it it drops the dreugh wax etc (or has a chance too) so they buy by the stacks. just a helpful tip :) when I really want to farm if i go 2 hours a day by the end of the week i can make 500k+ easily! 

  20. celxal.thumb.png.020492f99ed012ddbccdf6fa0037819a.png

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is the best example of this. This is my Horde Main Celadra and my best friends character Xathreis. We leveled these characters from 1-110 at the start of legion because I wanted the double agent achievement. Now, as legion is starting to wind down here we are in tier pieces, the time played together, the memories are all there. Easily one of my favorite screenshots ive ever taken. 

  21. Screenshot_20180304_141014.thumb.png.7938dfb154c3189ee97e97c72abd2855.png

    @Felipe Am i doing the pvp right? 

    1. Felipe


      Hey Chap'! I'm looking for 2 more assistants, y'know. HAHAHA!

    2. Chapmonious


      Lmao this is only my second match too! 

  22. WoWScrnShot_042918_160146.thumb.jpg.63fe7512eb4dad23d7eee6349045fe26.jpg

    Finally got my rogue the mog she needed to be BFA ready! 

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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