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Posts posted by Koro

  1. Come to think of it, those deeds in @Jae Onasi's spreadsheet could be potential group events we can do throughout the month. It can be a bit tedious, but all those slayer deeds would grant a lot of experience at the same time as gaining Lotro points (which would in turn unlock content as we go). Doing them in groups as events may be a great way to socialize together and enjoy some in-game time.


    @Daizey, do you know if a 100+ character can still gain those deeds even though the mobs are grey (too low level for the character)? Would it still have value if they hadn't accomplished them I mean?

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  2. Thank you for sharing those links @Jae Onasi! Those are great! I may take advantage of that myself, as I need both Rohan expansions!


    For those online, I will be on throughout the day (on and off in activity), so if you need/want an invite to the in-game Remnants of Hope kinship (guild), please send me a /tell. My character name is Korodin. Though I may also be on my younger toon, Eoharn.

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  3. 5 hours ago, Amrithir said:

    I would be up for this. Been a while since I played so I have to see what servers I am on. I don't think I'm on Landroval, though, but I'd have no problem making a new toon, or possibly transferring. 

    We'd love to have you join us!

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Lagerfueled said:

    I would like to do this, but I doubt any of the times would work with my shcedule now...my mom just had surgery and I am going to be spending a lot of time with her, in addition to my parental and husbandly duties.

    Understandable sir. I hope your mom recovers well! But we don't have any set days to play right now, just working month-to-month as we can. If you can make it at the end of May, if not then maybe June! Time will tell I'm sure. 

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  5. 22 minutes ago, Soasa said:

    @Koro My human archer is named... wait for it... Aurtorus.  I always name a character who lives by the bow Aurtorus.  :p 


    My dwarf guardian... well, I don't know what his name is.  I tried naming every name I could think of from my past to "never used that name before" and it said that the name was already in use.  What I ended up doing was taking 2 names that were auto-generated, take half of each name (first half on one, last half of the other), and threw an "l" right in the middle.  What I ended up with was kind of a dwarf sounding name, but it was so different sounding to me that I don't know what is was.  :laugh:  When I log on (probably later on today), I'll write it down and post it here.

    No worries! If I am not around later today then feel free to contact one of the other in-game officers. I listed them in the other current thread I made yesterday. And awesome name for the human archer! But my own main is a dwarf guardian so I look forward to playing alongside yours!



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  6. 13 minutes ago, Dalivandrian said:

    Sure, I'll give it a go! Weekday evenings are mostly out for me at the moment except for some Fridays or fairly late but I'll do my best to meet up when I can.

    Great! Maybe we can do our first monthly get together on a Saturday then. Haven't really thought that far ahead yet. 😛 But we'll try to accommodate as many people as we can.


    2 minutes ago, RhemaTom said:

    I am not one for fast leveling, so probably would not be able to gain levels on my own like you outlined above. However, I would love a monthly get-together. Also, it would be awesome to do quests with others when starting over. I think it would be a lot of fun to have a regular group for bi-weekly or monthly sessions where we all do the quests together (after beginning area of course). :)

    I'm not one for fast leveling either, so don't worry too much about it! Its been over 2 years and I just barely hit 75 lol. Granted that wasn't really 'trying' on my part, but still. I am all for meeting together and doing quests. I'll play fairly regularly in the evenings, especially if I know others will be on and would want to group. I just didn't want to ask anyone to 'commit' to Lotro since we all have other things going on. Some will be more available/interested in dedicating time to this game than others. But count me in if you ever want a leveling companion.


    That said, I am leaving today for a couple of days to a conference in Tucson, and I will not be in-game until Friday evening. If anyone needs an invite to the guild before then I know @Jae Onasi, @Elisel, @Hrom and @Daizey are all officers in the game right now and can invite. Otherwise I will get ya when I come back!

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  7. So far between myself, @Ellenore, @CheekyMonkey66, @Kateywumpus, @Daizey, possibly @Darnavian, @Soasa, and @Jae Onasi we have a nice core group to start. @Dalivandrian did you want to join us or are you wanting to think about it first? It'll take us months to get to Moria anyways and I don't have much past Isengard yet myself.


    I am sure others will be following along and joining in as word spreads as well. We could even mention it at the end of the next community meeting if we want.


    So lets make it official! May will begin our fellowship's journey through Middle Earth! 


    The first 6 or 7 levels are entirely solo-instanced (a tutorial, so to speak). After that it is not very difficult to get levels 7-20 out of the way. So is getting to level 20 by the end of May reasonable?


    After that I figured we'd push 10 levels a month, again at our own convenience and times available. Does that officially work for everyone?


    And if you want help or company, post on here and I'm sure some of us can work out a few lotro questing nights for those interested.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Kateywumpus said:

    I have an empty guild on Llandroval (and that's where all my toons are at.) that we can use. The guild house got foreclosed long ago, but I'm sure we can figure something out. 


    Thanks Katey!! We can certainly look into utilizing that if need be. At present we do have a RoH kinship rank 10 that we started last year. We have a guild hall in Thorin's Hall Homesteads that is paid for until September 14th of this year (thanks to @Elisel). We can also move that homestead if need be, or utilize both kinships to help manage alts or something! Thanks for being so willing to help! 

    • Like 5
  9. Totally up to you @CheekyMonkey66! It would depend on everyone's own circumstance. If you have the desire/character slot, sure! And if you want to keep that toon on this kind of schedule and play more than that, you can play your other toons! If you want to wait until our 'group' catches up to your level, that is possible too. I just want to create an environment that encourages people to come hang out in Middle Earth!


    And for the record, that might be the greatest gif I've ever seen in my entire life. I just about died laughing at Gandalf's expression. haha I may totally steal that and use it in my classroom at some point. 😛

    • Like 2
  10. Hello Everyone! 

    Image result for lotr hello gif


    I know there has been (and still is) some interest in this game among Remnants of all divisions. I also know that it is VERY hard to get people together on a regular basis when we are all so dedicated to other pursuits (both in RL and within the community). After some thought, I've come up with a plan I'd like to propose that may help us to have a sense of community progression and chance for fun! To ensure everyone has a chance to join in, I'm proposing this on the Landroval server. The legendary server requires a sub (I think?) and I'm not a fan of those kinds of requirements on groups like these.


    This is all off of the top of my head, so my apologies if it looks a little chaotic.


    Here is a list of the 'goals' I've set when coming up with this so called 'plan':

    I. Find a way to have a realistic progression-style system for those interested in progressing through the game with guildies.

    II. Host at least one monthly event where we can play as a group.

    III. Include some kind of monthly end-game for those not interested in lower level content anymore.

    IV. Avoid interfering with our other game pursuits (be it divisional or otherwise).


    With that in mind, here is my proposal:


    I: Casual Progression Group




    I'd like to suggest a month-by-month progression system whereby we each individually progress a certain amount of levels each month. For example:

    -May: Levels 1-20 (Starter areas, Bree-land, Ered-Luin, Archet/Combe/Staddle)

    -June: Levels 21-30 (Lone Lands, North Downs)

    -July: Levels 31-40 (Evindim, Trollshaws)

    -August: Levels 41- 50 (Misty Mountains, Angmar, Eregion)

    -September: Levels 51- 58 (Moria)

    -and so on and so forth...


    The responsibility of gaining levels and progressing is individual, meaning at your own convenience. If you need/want assistance, using these forums you can reach out and hopefully many of us can answer the call and some of this progression can happen together as a group. The idea is to make it not such a commitment, but something we can do casually while still sort of progressing together.



    II: Monthly Group Event




    Near the end of each month I would propose we have a single night for LOTRO where we all take a break from whatever divisional game we have and enjoy our lotro game and guildies together. My thought is that this event would include whatever group content that months' level range would allow. For example:

    -May: Barrow Downs (Bree-Land)

    -June: Fornost (North Downs)

    -July: Garth Agarwen (Lone-Lands)

    -August: The Tomb of Elendil (Evendim)

    -September: Lots of Moria dungeons/instances to choose from.


    If the interest is really there, I don't think it is asking too much for a single night a month to be dedicated to Lotro. I also recognize that no night will be perfect for everyone, but we can try! And if you miss the event, you won't be too far behind, and will be able to catch up over the following weeks to make the next one! None of the group content is 'mandatory' to level up and progress, it is just fun!



    III: Monthly end-game content event



    This is more of a theory, as I don't have any end-game characters like some of you do. But if anyone is interested I think it'd be great if some of those who are at or near end game wanted to get together and continue pushing. I know many of you left of around Mordor, but they are releasing a lot of things lately, all the way to Erebor and Dale. This would require the interest (as all of this would), but I must use a disclaimer and say I won't be much help here. (My highest level is 74).


    IV: Avoid interference




    Last thing I want to do is push anyone to feel obligated to play. I tried to come up with this simple idea with flexibility in mind. If you want to play Lotro with some Remnants, this may be a good way to do that! Sometimes all we need is a little motivation, hence I came up with this. If people want to play MORE often together, I am all for that and you can sign me up. If your busy in another game but like this idea, it doesn't take a whole month to gain these levels.


    Also keep in mind that all of this is just a proposal. We, as a group, can hammer out the details and make any changes we deem necessary. Maybe 10 levels a month is too much? Lets shoot for 5 a month then. Or whatever works best for us as a whole.



    I could really use some thoughts and ideas from everyone who is interested in this. I haven't done much with this interest group because it felt like the interest had gone away and people didn't really want to play. If there IS interest, like I am hearing more of lately, then perhaps this can be a simple way of creating some Lotro activity. Please, please please give your feedback and suggestions so we can have a lotro casual branch!


    (For the record, I do NOT have any aspirations for this to become a division. I am only seeking to create activity in respects to enjoying the game. Thats all)


    Tagging the old Notification List! If you are not on it, see this thread and sign up for any tagging reminders that will be found in this interest group!


    Lets have some fun and go adventuring in Middle Earth already! 😛


    Image result for lotr gifImage result for the hobbit adventure gif

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  11. On Landroval I have a 74 guardian (my highest level) in the Gap of Rohan, doing a lot of the dunlandings vs Rohirrim quests. I can't wait to enter Rohan and experience the horse lords!

  12. Has anyone been to Erebor yet? Or Dale-lands? I'm only 74 and about to start Rohan. Wondering what people think of the later parts of the game, past Mordor's expansion.

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  13. 7 hours ago, Martini said:

    I was hoping to sway a few more ppl to causally playing haha but we shall see.

    I feel 1000% the same way! Would love to get a few people on more often. So between the two of us that is a start. I know there are others who are interested but times have been difficult to organize with all the different division events going on. But I think it is doable, even with a start of two people. We'll get some activity before long, I'm sure of it!

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  14. Hi @Martini! I've been playing Lotro fairly regularly as of late, though to be honest I've been hitting a little more ESO, the past couple weeks and Diablo 3 this weekend (new season opened up). Activity is Lotro is kind of low since many players are committed to one of the division games. I think as a few more become regular Lotro-players we will def. be able to do some events and such!


    What kind of toons did you roll? Do you have a favorite class?

  15. Sorry guys, got home a little late and found a bunch of snow and ice all over my yard/house. O.o Which never happens in southern, Arizona... So spent a while trying to take care of the animals and get fresh water out to them despite the frozen hoses and such.  Didn't make it online in time.


    Shall we shoot for next week? I think schedules get 'normalized' for the most part for those involved with vacations and school schedules. We can shoot for right after the community meeting on Monday or wait until next Thursday again.


    Again, 1000 apologies!



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Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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