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Posts posted by Neo

  1. On 11/3/2018 at 2:09 PM, Sawatar said:

    i logged in LoL now:

    Make sure to tag me next time so I see this lol. We can always get together another time! :D 


    7 hours ago, Kokkinos said:

    My next off day is Wednesday. I could try to play on that day! I am a Taric main!

    I'll try to update you on my plans for next Wednesday! I'm a Riven main. :D 

  2. Hey Summoners! 


    I've been playing League again for quite awhile now and been waiting until I get some of the rust off to get before making this post. Currently, I play none of our division games actively and only LoL at the moment so I'd like to devote myself to League right now. Thanks to @ZEE for holding down the League fort while I was being an inactive Owner lol. Anyways, was just wondering who's still active and if anyone wants to group over the weekend?? Post your availability below if you wanna que up some matches!!


    I'm available all any day (don't know about Tomorrow) but Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.




    @ZEE, @Silt_Strider, @Sawatar, @Kokkinos, @Mepphisto, @Windchimes, @LMKurosu, @Marris Radwin, @Koro, @Telana, @Felipe, @Curious_Dani, @TGIKay, @RustySniper, @Thorn, @MeRB

  3. Sorry @Passiflora, I hope that you can come back soon when life is less hectic. I love you man and everything, you've done for Props. ❤️ 


    With Passi out, this means that we are now down a tank. Owyn is probably out too unfortunately but @Phoenix is good to fill now (hey, you can be on the main roster now!)


    @Daddy.K, out of curiousity, can you do every Tuesday for Props? It might be troubling to search for a new tank but I just want to know how we are at the moment. 

    • Love 1
  4. I already have Alistar / Tristana skins from way back. However, I never knew the Garen one worked.


    I can confirm that Alistar and Tristana works though unless it expired. ;) 


    If I wasn't so busy with SWTOR, maybe I would consider coming back. 



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  5. 4 minutes ago, Aravail said:

    I have a big meeting on Friday and will likely be at work late Thursday night preparing.  So there's a chance I might be able to make it, but I wouldn't count on it.


    And I think it might take a little more than a week to get down M&B (our previous group was at it for something like eight months, and Scions was months as well though I'm not sure how many).  I have no doubt we'll be able to clear it, and tonight's pulls were actually a good start, I just want to make sure everyone doesn't set their expectations too high as far as timetables go.  We're going to be in this one for the long haul!


    And yes, good job tonight everyone!  Torque was a lot of fun (it's definitely not an easy fight, though it will get a lot easier with repetition) and I'm really proud of us for downing him!

    Well, yeah, obviously I wouldn't count on a guarantee win. However, I think if we have a go at it on Thursday, we'll have a pretty solid go at him. 


    Good luck with the meeting, Aravail!



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  6. Even though, we didn't get past Master & Blaster tonight... I mean, I can't really say it's the best pulls since some of us were confused. However, I think if we really tried, we can do beat M&B and get a clear on Pub Side as well. 


    How are availability for Thursday? If we get enough, we can do a lockout and have a good 2 and half hours to commit to M&B and maybe Coratanni. 

    @Sayuri, @Passiflora, @Aravail, @Katalaw, @Vorn, @Owyn, @Phoenix


    We have our backups too... @Kij, @Merliah, @Falcon III, @Azraella



    • Love 2
  7. Hey LoL players!


    As of right now, I do not have time to play League of Legends so I'm looking to appoint one of you as a leader. I'm not giving away the ownership but the leader rank holds the admin powers so I was wondering, who's interested? If you are, please throw your name in the hat down below!




    @Koro, @Telana, @Felipe, @Curious_Dani, @ZEE88, @TGIKay, @zlad, @Cye Ilan, @RustySniper, @Thorn, @ryebread, @MeRB, @Artemiaseus

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  8. 5 hours ago, Katalaw said:

    @Neo I think I'm going to mostly be a backup for the next little while. I'll rsvp Maybe on the events if I can step in. Getting a bit burned out of operations, I wanna focus more on some other activities.

    Completely understandable, Katalaw! Hope to see you around! :) 



  9. Brand new calendar has been made... old one has been replaced since I was limited on some of the editing privileges. 


    Anyways, Props will come back next Tuesday (July 10, 2018) and time has also been changed to 8:30 PM EST rather than 8 PM EST.


    Go and check it out! Remember to RSVP in the calendar!

    @Sayuri, @Passiflora, @Aravail, @Katalaw, @Vorn, @Tyrlo, @Reylin


    As for the backups... you can also post down below the event on whether or not you can fill in if our regulars cannot make it.

    @Owyn, @Kij, @Merliah, @Falcon III, @Azraella, @Phoenix



  10. Hey guys! 


    For those of you that do not know, next week me and my assistants will be hosting an entire week of raiding. Basically raiding everyday. Maybe one of you want to take a break and enjoy some easier content for at least once next week or at least I hope you guys would want too but it's up to you. :) 

    This means that there will be no props next week but giving a week off before the return of Master and Blaster wouldn't be bad. :D 


    @Sayuri, @Passiflora, @Aravail, @Katalaw, @Vorn, @Tyrlo, @Falcon III, @Merliah, @Kij, @Owyn



    • Love 2
  11. 1 minute ago, Sayuri said:

    @Neo This is too short notice for me to make the raid. I'm getting ready to make dinner (home made chicken tenders and potatoes) which is about an hour long process and then I have to interview an applicant. I'll be around for the interview and then in game at 8:30 PM but no sooner unfortunately. 

    We can start without you until you get here then Sayuri. I did hear Falcon was gonna be on so we'll see how things are! 



    • Thanks 1
  12. Hey Props! 


    I've gone ahead and added a RSVP into the calendars so from now on, there will no longer be any posts in the PvE Department Scheduling sub-forums for Props. Please just fill in whether you're going, maybe, or not. 


    This mostly applies to the regular raiders along with our backups. 

    @Sayuri, @Passiflora, @Aravail, @Katalaw, @Vorn, @Tyrlo, @Reylin


    Backups: @Merliah, @Kij, @Owyn (the rest of props) 


    I'll send out weekly reminders along with updating availability here too! (starting the next next Tuesday!) 


    Also, if you cannot make it and your a regular members, please let me know here instead of the PM. Backups just let me know if you can fill in if needed.



    • Love 1
  13. In case y'all haven't seen it yet, I made a brand new Progression recruitment thread (replaced the old one Phoenix made) and I'm hoping to get some responses from you all! 



    So far, I have received feedback back from:

    @Aravail who is still willing to do Progression whenever it starts back up.

    @Vorn who is also willing to do Progression whenever it starts back up.

    @Tyrlo and @Passiflora who can commit to Progression on Tuesday's only.

    @Sayuri who can commit in the month of May (How is it Sayuri, ready to rejoin the Progression Team full-time? 😛)

    @Kialya can commit in the Summer time.


    I've also received interest from @Insignia and @Artemiaseus, they're just not looking for anymore of the same stuff like a 6 month long grind of Ravagers which we won't be doing anymore but this does not mean, we will never go back to Ravagers or Temple of Sacrifice. 


    I know @Phoenix, @Dathedr, @Christian, @Poje, @Jixara and @Jae Onasi cannot commit with their busy schedules so you guys don't need to worry about this unless your schedule happens to free up and you can recommit to Progression.


    @Katalaw, @Orig Wrangler, @Jaark, and @Scoobs - how about you guys? Could I get an answer back from you of your interest in doing Progression again? 


    So far 4 of you have (Aravail, Vorn, Tyrlo, and Passiflora) are still interested in doing Props as soon as it starts back up again. We just need 4 more (6 actually for Tuesday's) to get Progression going again! I'm attempting to recruit new members as well but no one appears to be interested at the moment, we will have to see.


    Thank you all!


    • Love 2

Members and Assistants of the Month

ESO MotM / AotM: Amrithir  / Illius the Pale

GW2 AotM: NatCogs





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